Is there a cumulative group of Panvalet r14.6 PTFs available for download?
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Is there a cumulative group of Panvalet r14.6 PTFs available for download?


Article ID: 6074


Updated On:




Need to apply maintenance that has been published since the base release. Is there a cumulative group of PTFs available for download? 


No, there is not a cumulative group of PTFs available for download.  All the PTFs may be downloaded at the same time from the Support portal.

Instructions to download all PTFs:

  • Logon to the Broadcom Support portal
  • Select Software > Mainframe Software > My Downloads
  • Search for product name PANVALET
  • Select the Solutions tab
  • Select Panvalet MVS, then Release 14.6 
  • Select Panvalet and the desired components in the Select Components box.  Hit Search
  • Select option Add All To Download Manager to add all PTFs
  • Click on the Download icon to display the Download Manager
  • Select the download method (HTTP, FTP) 

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