Where are the CA Librarian V4.4 manuals located?
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Where are the CA Librarian V4.4 manuals located?


Article ID: 6058


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Where are the CA Librarian V4.4 manuals located?


Release: LIB-AM00200-4.4-CA-Librarian-Access Method


The Librarian V4.4 documentation is located under the Documentation link on CA Support Online.

•  Go to CA Support Online and login

•  Hover over Knowledge Center and you will see the Documentation link.  Click on it.

•  On the Documentation page, use the Select a Bookshelf section titled: 

'Or select a Bookshelf for slightly older releases' 

•  Enter Librarian in the box and you should see an options that says:

CA Librarian r4.4 FULL Bookshelf -US English 

•  Select the Full Bookshelf and hit GO.


The cover page for most of the manuals still say V4.3, however, they are the correct version of the manuals for Librarian V4.4. 



Between the big grey banner at the top and the blue banner, you will see a -

Download this Bookshelf link

Click on it and you can download a zip file with all the manuals in it.