Error when trying to perform Identity Manager tasks "value too large for column" ORA-12899
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Error when trying to perform Identity Manager tasks "value too large for column" ORA-12899


Article ID: 6028


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When actions are performed in Identity Manager, data relating to these actions is stored in your Task Persistence Database. This database has default column sizes for all string characters, but sometimes the strings generated by Identity Manager are too large to fit in the default columns. When this happens you'll see an error such as this:

[YOUR TASK NAME]: ORA-12899: value too large for column "[DB NAME]"."[TABLE NAME]"."[COLUMN NAME]" (actual: 247, maximum: 240) 



The above error message, ORA-12899 is specific to Oracle DBs however this problem may occur in other database types with different messages.


This is caused by the value being too large to fit in the database column. 


Increasing the size of a database column is supported for the Task Persistence Database. Your database administrator can increase the size of your field using either a script or a database table editor. 

For example: 

varchar(50) can be increased to varchar(200) and your database will remain supported.