Unable to issue commands from OPS/MVS in z/OS ISPF option 6. I am getting error message:
TSO service error - authorized function not found - reason code X'00000038'.
My hlq.CCLXLOAD dataset is both APF authorized and link-listed, so I am not sure what this is about. It is only happening on one LPAR.
Any idea what might be causing it to happen?
Non-APF Authorized dataset in the STEPLIB concatenation of the user's TSO logon procedure.
It can also happen when the CCLXLOAD library is defined with a LIBDEF ISPLLIB, even if APF authorized.
Identify and remove the Non-APF authorized dataset from the concatenated libraries in the user's logon JCL procedure, or APF authorize the identified problem dataset.
It can also happen if even APF authorized, the CCLXLOAD library is defined with a LIBDEF ISPLLIB.
The CCLXLOAD library has to be either in the LNKLST or STEPLIB.