Why are new users unable to see any repositories under the Advanced Search tab?
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Why are new users unable to see any repositories under the Advanced Search tab?


Article ID: 6010


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Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


Why are new users unable to see any repositories under the Advanced Search tab?

Other symptoms included the Administrator being unable to add / create additional repositories, users and/or roles. Messages indicated that the object already existed and should be checked.

In the case of a new user / Default User logging into web Viewer and looking for any repository under the Advanced Search tab,  there were no Error Messages - none - only a message "0 - 0 of 0" in a blank repository panel.  


Release: OUTWBV01300-12.1-Output Management-Web Viewer for AIX


In this case, the permissions for the Web Viewer task to its database were unintentionally, but surreptitiously changed such that Web Viewer was no longer able to update or add to its own database. This is why new users could log in, but not get added either by the Web Viewer login process or by the Web Viewer Administrator. 


The problem was resolved when the Web Viewer DB task permissions were restored.

Web Viewer DB access requires: 
1. Update rows for our tables. 
2. Add/delete rows in our tables. 
3. NOTHING MORE (unless new database). 
Web Viewer however, does NOT need DBADMIN.