S0C1 abend in IN25COB2 step of the compile, and CAIN2901 in the region using InterTest CICS
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S0C1 abend in IN25COB2 step of the compile, and CAIN2901 in the region using InterTest CICS


Article ID: 5971


Updated On: 10-18-2024


InterTest - CICS


User receives S0C1 abend in IN25COB2 step of the compile, and a CAIN2901 in the region using InterTest CICS.


Occurs when running a compile.  The step that loads the program into the PROTSYM abends with a S0C1.  When log onto the region and select the program with the symbolic file open, receive the following message:

CAIN2901 Requested PROGRAM is in UPDATE MODE. 

CNTL=NEW,PROG= to load a new copy of the program 

or Press PF1 for more information 

Recompiled the program but still receives a S0C1 abend.


The user's program was deleted from the PROTSYM file.  The PROTSYM file was then re-initialized.  The user then recompiled with no issues.