Juniper devices modeling as GnSNMPDev in Spectrum
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Juniper devices modeling as GnSNMPDev in Spectrum


Article ID: 5924


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Juniper devices with sysObjectID of modeled using the GnSNMPDev model type in Spectrum.


Juniper devices with a sysObjectID of are not currently certified out of the box in Spectrum.


The device can be self certified in Spectrum using the Device Certification tool by doing the following:

  1. Log into OneClick as an ADMIN user
  2. Select Tools -> Utilities -> Device Certification from the top level menu
  3. Filter for and select the System Object ID
  4. Click on the Edit icon
  5. Change the Model Type Name to JuniperJUNOSRtr
  6. Save the change

You will need to destroy and remodel any of these devices currently modeled in the Spectrum database using the GnSNMPDev model type

or use the -m option to convert the models.  Use the following parameters for this specific model type.

Enter System Object ID:

Enter the current model type name: GnSNMPDev

Enter the destination model type name: JuniperJUNOSRtr

Additional Information

Please refer to the "Self-Certification" section of the Spectrum documentation for more information on self certifying a device.