Implementing TLS V1.2 protocol support with Web Viewer 12.1
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Implementing TLS V1.2 protocol support with Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 5910


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Output Management Web Viewer


How to implement TLS V1.2 protocol support with CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1


CA Common Services CCISSL

CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1


The TLS V1.2  protocol was introduced for Web Viewer 12.1 with:

  • Web Viewer 12.1 build 172  and it is recommended to install the latest cumulative build of Web Viewer if you must apply maintenance:  CA Web Viewer 12.1 download latest build (maintenance).  All platforms are identical so download any.

  • Web Viewer 12.1 requires 64 bit Java 1.8 or higher for TLS V1.1 or V1.2.  Java 1.11 or higher is recommended and you probably will not be able to run with Java 1.7.

Additional New Configuration Tool Settings are Required for CCI:

Run the configtool and run the CCI configuration.  Configure for TLS V1.2 starting with the prompt:

  • For [CCI SSL Connection]

All the new settings have been added to the online documentation

New Setting in Tomcat Server.xml

  • Update server.xml to sslProtocol="TLSv1.2"
  • Recycle Tomcat

For Common Services 15.0, no maintenance is required.


Additional Information

See Configure Tomcat for TLS for an overview.  Or Refer to for your version of Tomcat.