CADR database was down but it was later restored
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CADR database was down but it was later restored


Article ID: 5822


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


The DR database (Vertica) is down, the customer manages to restore the system however there are no apparent errors.


Data Repository 2.6 and above


Confirm whether this article will address the problem here by investigating the following log files:

See the below entry in dbLog: 

*** glibc detected *** /opt/vertica/bin/vertica: invalid fastbin entry (free): 0x00007fd7112e4280 *** 

And below entry in /var/log/messages/ : 

Jan 29 09:38:00 dr abrt[27582]: Saved core dump of pid 2675 (/opt/vertica/bin/vertica) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2017-01-29-09:37:13-2675 (15629914112 bytes) Jan 29 09:38:00 dr abrtd: Directory 'ccpp-2017-01-29-09:37:13-2675' creation detected Jan 29 09:38:00 dr abrtd: Size of '/var/spool/abrt' >= 1000 MB, deleting 'oops-2016-11-14-11:21:50-2103-0' 
Jan 29 09:38:00 dr abrt[27582]: /var/spool/abrt is 15631322592 bytes (more than 1279MiB), deleting 'oops-2016-11-14-11:21:50-2103-0' 
Jan 29 09:38:00 dr abrt[27582]: Lock file '/var/spool/abrt/oops-2016-11-14-11:21:50-2103-0/.lock' is locked by process 2120 Jan 29 09:38:01 dr abrt[27582]: '/var/spool/abrt/oops-2016-11-14-11:21:50-2103-0' does not exist Jan 29 09:38:01 dr abrtd: Package 'vertica' isn't signed with proper key Jan 29 09:38:01 dr abrtd: 'post-create' on '/var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2017-01-29-09:37:13-2675' exited with 1 Jan 29 09:38:01 dr abrtd: Corrupted or bad directory /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2017-01-29-09:37:13-2675, deleting 


- specifically VER-34540, Here's the bug description and resolution Linux servers using glibc versions 

2.12 and later may encounter an issue where a node goes down and the dbLog contains the error "*** glibc detected *** /opt/vertica/bin/vertica: invalid fastbin entry (free)". 


This may be due to a bug in glibc. The RedHat Advisories provide additional details. See 


If you encounter this error, first determine if you are using an affected version of glibc: 

rpm -qa | grep glibc 

If your version of glibc is 2.12 and does not have a .149 or later suffix, then your server may be affected by this issue. If so, apply the security fix as described by your vendor. For RedHat systems, see: