Spectrum Archive Manager starts with errors
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Spectrum Archive Manager starts with errors


Article ID: 5817


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Errors seen in the ARCHMGR.OUT file for Spectrum indicate database corruption that needs to be repaired

Errors seen in the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/ARCHMGR.OUT file of Spectrum indicates corruption in the DDM database that needs to be repaired.

The following are some examples of errors that may be seen in the ARCHMGR.OUT file.

    • <DATE_TIME> ERROR TRACE at ModelArchDBImp.cc(4820): doSqlQuery/mysql_query: Failure executing query: DELETE FROM event WHERE utime <= 1485468156 LIMIT 1000 - Incorrect key file for table '.\ddmdb\event.MYI'; try to repair it
    • <DATE_TIME> ERROR TRACE at ModelArchDBImp.cc(5026): doSqlQuery/mysql_query: Failure executing query. - Incorrect key file for table './ddmdb/event.MYI'; try to repair it
      ModelArchDb ERROR at DDMDbIf2.cc(952): 
      Generic Error: 1, commitTransaction/doSqlQuery/mysql_query: Failure executing query.
      Native Error: 126, Incorrect key file for table './ddmdb/event.MYI'; try to repair it
    • Native error: 145, table './ddmdb/event' is marked as crashed and should be repaired


All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases


Archive Manager database has become corrupted.


Use the following instructions to repair the DDM database corruption.

  1. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
  2. If Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
  3. Shutdown the ArchMgr process if running:
    • On Windows, start the Spectrum Control Panel and select Control -> Stop Archive Manager from the top level menu
    • On Linux or Solaris, run the following command from the $SPECROOT/bin directory where <HOST> is the hostname of the systems and <PID> is the process id of the ArchMgr process:
      • ./cmdC <HOST> 2 <PID>
  4. Change directories to the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM directory, enter the following command to repair the DDM database:
    • ./ArchMgr -repair
  5. When the repair is complete start the Archive Manager:
    • On Windows, start the Spectrum Control Panel and select Control -> Start Archive Manager from the top level menu
    • On Linux and Solaris, cd to the $SPECROOT/bin directory and run the following command:
      • ./startSS.pl
  6. Review the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/ARCHMGR.OUT file to verify the errors no longer appear.