Oracle probe and others on the admin console at secondary hub not able to save the configuration got a PPM error.
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Oracle probe and others on the admin console at secondary hub not able to save the configuration got a PPM error.


Article ID: 5799


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Not able to save Oracle or others probe configuration at admin console when the probe it is installed on a robot under a secondary hub.


probes that is installed on robot under secondary hub.


If you trying to save any probe configuration located on robot under secondary hub by admin console and  you got a ppm error or the interface crash.

See the ppm logs if you can find this

Jan 24 16:36:33:414 [attach_socket, ppm] Error while copying or loading adapter from jar file -

Jan 24 16:36:33:414 [attach_socket, ppm] Loading adapter from PPM.jar...

Jan 24 16:36:33:414 [attach_socket, ppm] (AdapterMgr) adapter name [oracle] & End time - 1485282993414


The probe .jar folder is automatically created when you open the probe on the Admin Console GUI.
For this it requires the following probe installed on the secondary hub:
-ppm probe 
-the probe you are working (my case was oracle)

On the secondary hub make sure you have a probe distsrv up and running to be able to log at this archive.

Log to the archive hub on the secondary and make sure you have this probes downloaded there:



- the probe are you working (my case was oracle)