Trying to run Erep report against logrec data in the logrec logstream and receiving an S913 failure.
Have to code the logstream name rather than the logstream dataset name to get past the S913 error in an Erep job reading the logstream.
The Environmental Record Editing and Printing Program (EREP) is a diagnostic application program that runs under the MVS, VM, and VSE operating systems
EREP edits and prints reports from the records placed in the error recording data set (ERDS) by the error recovery program (ERP) of your operating system. Some of these records are the result of device or system errors, while others are informational or statistical data. The service representative analyzes information in the EREP reports to determine if a problem exists, what the problem is, and where the problem is located.
EREP processes the error records from your operating system to produce formatted reports. These EREP reports can show the status of the entire installation, an I/O subsystem, or an individual device depending upon which report you request.
(More information exists in EREP V3R5 User's Guide).
Example JCL:
//* This job reads the LOGREC log stream directly to produce an *
//* Event Report. *
//* *
//* The 'DSN=' parameter points to the LOGREC log stream name *
//* *
//* The 'SUBSYS=(LOGR' parameter specifies that processing is to *
//* be handled by the LOGR subsystem *
//* *
//* The 'IFBSEXIT' subparameter indicates records will be obtained *
//* from the LOGREC log stream *
//* *
//* The 3rd parameter is SUBSYS options1 which describes the *
//* reporting period, e.g. 'FROM=OLDEST,TO=YOUNGEST' reports *
//* all records and this is the default *
//* *
//* The 4th parameter is SUBSYS options2 which can be 1 or more of: *
//* 'LASTRUN' indicates records will be read from point of last run *
//* 'DELETE' indicates records will be deleted from the log stream *
//* 'DEVICESTATS' requests device statistics before records are read *
//* 'SYSTEM=' indicates records will only be read from that system *
//* *
//* *
//ACCIN DD DSN=SYSPLEX.LOGREC.ALLRECS, * This is the line that must point to the logstream name not the logstream dataset
(More information exists in EREP V3R5 User's Guide)