When deploying the Virtual Appliance using an external Oracle database. The only item that does not finish to deploy is Identity Portal.
Checking the Identity Portal logs the following error appears:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-02267: column type incompatible with referenced column type
The DB user configured has the DBA role and all the required permissions.
The cause is worng permissions provided to teh Database user.
The permissions should be RESOURCE and CONNECT only and not any other permission.
Adding more permissions will cause the deployment to fail.
This is specified in the documentation (in teh Virtual Appliance Web UI -> help -> Prerequisites for configuring the vApp with an external database), and also on the same page where you configure the database credentials during setup)
a. Create an Identity Portal database.
b. Create a user with CONNECT and RESOURCE privileges on the Identity Portal database.
Change the database user permissions to include only RESOURCE and CONNECT.