DX UIM (Nimsoft) Robot - cpu, memory, disk and bandwidth usage
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DX UIM (Nimsoft) Robot - cpu, memory, disk and bandwidth usage


Article ID: 57282


Updated On: 09-05-2024


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


How much cpu, memory, disk and bandwidth will be used by a robot installed on a server?


  • Release: UIM 8.x and later


  • Guidance on robot resource utilization


What is the size of the robot once installed? How much disk space does the Robot require?
The robot requires less than 200 MB of free space for installation and storage.

How much CPU and RAM does the robot use?
A typical robot uses the following system resources:
CPU: negligible, e.g., less than 1%
Memory: ~1.5MB

As of DX UIM robot (controller) v23.4.1.1, CPU and Memory usage is still negligible for a robot OOTB. For example:

Disk requirements/usage remains about the same as well upon install OOTB. 

For a robot the minimum requirements we list besides those in the Platform Support Matrix are:

Processor: 2-3 GHz minimum
RAM: 2 GB RAM minimum
Disk: Minimum 5 GB free disk space

How much network bandwidth is consumed by Nimsoft traffic from Robots?
The answer to this question depends on too many factors to make a broad statement. It depends on how many QoS messages and alarms Nimsoft is generating/processing/sending over the network and other factors. Note that a typical single QoS/alarm message is approximately 400 bytes.

Additional Information

For important technical information please see the Broadcom techdocs pages:

DX UIM Compatibility Matrix

DX UIM Probes Support Matrix

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