We are seeing the error "java.io.EOFException" Inside the jboss application server logs. The entire error looks similar to this
ERROR [ims.tmt.persistence] (Thread-15 (HornetQ-client-global-threads-21606282)) PersistenceProvider: JMS:ID:7a915ca0-f81f-XXXX-XXXX-1f9a5334a1de: fetchObjectById: tried '3' times, exception getting object by id: 4d5807d3-44270f0b-XXXXXXX-c523322: java.io.EOFException
at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:392) [rt.jar:1.8.0_101]
at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:2848) [rt.jar:1.8.0_101]
at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readInt(ObjectInputStream.java:974) [rt.jar:1.8.0_101]
at com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsimpl.managedobject.TaskImpl._readExtendedInfo(TaskImpl.java:1587) [imsapi6.jar:]
at com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsimpl.BaseObject._deserialize(BaseObject.java:1754) [imsapi6.jar:]
at com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsimpl.TunnelObject._deserialize(TunnelObject.java:928) [imsapi6.jar:]
at com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsimpl.managedobject.AdminTaskImpl.readObject(AdminTaskImpl.java:85) [imsapi6.jar:]
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor59.invoke(Unknown Source) [:1.8.0_101]
Jboss Application Server
Vaap 14.4 CP2
There is corrupt data being stored in the following locations
<jboss home>\standalone\tmp directories on both the Jboss instances.
<jboss home>\standalone\data directories on both the Jboss instances.
<jboss home>\standalone\log directories on both the Jboss instances.
To resolve this we must clear out the corrupt data in the Directories below.
Archive the <jboss home>\standalone\tmp directories on both the Jboss instances.
Archive the <jboss home>\standalone\data directories on both the Jboss instances.
Archive the <jboss home>\standalone\log directories on both the Jboss instances.
*Please make sure to back the data up elsewhere in case it is needed*
Once the folders are cleared out please start your Jboss Application Server up again and the issue should be resolved.
For Virtual Appliance use the alias deleteIDMJMSqueue instead since we have no permissions in the above folders in Vaap.
Application Server must be off in order to archive the corrupt data.