Oracle RAC connection for Advanced Authentication
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Oracle RAC connection for Advanced Authentication


Article ID: 5709


Updated On: 10-03-2023


CA Advanced Authentication CA Strong Authentication CA Risk Authentication


I am installing CA AA with an Oracle RAC database, this database has a balancer and the client provided us with a connection string for the database instance: 

Example of connection string: 













Do I have to do the additional Risk and Strong Post Installation Configurations "Oracle RAC Configuration"?


CA Strong Authentication 8.x

CA Risk Authentication 8.x

Oracle 12 RAC


Follow these steps to configure CA Advanced Authentication for Oracle RAC database for Java components like ArcotAdmin.ArcotUDS,State Manager

1. Open the arcotcommon.ini file from the location <ARCOT_HOME>\conf\.

2. Use below jdbc string to specify the URL parameter in the [arcot/db/primarydb] section and, if necessary, [arcot/db/backupdb] section as well.





3. Save and close the arcotcommon.ini file.