The Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) is failing to update the events for the landscapes being monitored. The Last Event Time is not updating in the OneClick Administration -> Report Manager -> SPECTRUM status page for the landscapes being monitored.
Release: a7n0c000000PBNr
Check the $SPECROOT/tomcat/logs/stdout.log (Windows) catalina.out (Linux) file for the following error message:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 21 in file: '/app/spectrum/Install-Tools/rpmgr/sql/srmdbapi/ddl/create_v_fact_event.sql': Table 'reporting.event' doesn't exist
If the above error is seen, the reporting database will have to be rebuilt from scratch.
If the following error is seen when trying to configure landscapes to be monitored, see knowledge document KB000029380 " Getting Error "Unable to access the SRM preferences" when trying to enable monitor option" located at