Spectrum distributed installation fails when using sudo
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Spectrum distributed installation fails when using sudo


Article ID: 5699


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CA Spectrum


When using sudo to install Spectrum from one Linux system to another, the installation fails with insufficient privileges even though you have verified the sudo configuration as outlined in the "Grant Limited Root Permissions (Linux and Solaris) section of the documentation is correct.


The following is an example of the error seen when trying to run the distributed install:


Spectrum1: Creating installation log: LOGS_20170209/Spectrum1.13.56

Spectrum1: Starting Test

Spectrum1: SPC-INT-20074: Insufficient privileges on Spectrum1.


Spectrum1: Spectrum Installation requires either ROOT access, SUDO privileges or Administrator privileges.  Please see the Spectrum Installation Guide (Document number 5136) for more information regarding SUDO.

Spectrum1: Test complete

All tests complete


Ensure the /etc/hosts file on the machine you are installing from and the machine you are installing to has both machines configured properly.