While calling the collectDeviceDNA method as follows (everything should be imported correctly, because there is no error):
RMDeviceInventory.sharedInstance().collectDeviceDNA(self, withTimeout: timeout)
Implementation of RMDeviceInventoryDelegate:
//Note: RMDeviceInventoryDelegate
extension SampleClassPresenter: RMDeviceInventoryDelegate {
func didCompletedCollectingDeviceDNA(_ deviceDNA: String!) {
func didFailWithError(_ error: Error!) {
Every time they are getting an error in didFailWithError method (code 1070,without any description).
Please can you advise what this error message means, as there is nothing in any documentation that we can find.
We have tried the code on the emulator and physical devices.
Follow these steps:
1. Add the mentioned permissions in this link to the manifest file:
2. There are now iOS methods you need to call to request permission for Core Locations from user.
3. Once user provides the Core Locations permission, then everything works properly.