VMJMCF093W Overlap(s) detected generating minidisk accounting records -- Notify system administrator
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VMJMCF093W Overlap(s) detected generating minidisk accounting records -- Notify system administrator


Article ID: 55288


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VM:Account Mainframe VM Product Manager VM:Manager Suite for Linux on Mainframe VM:Manager Suite for z/VM VM SUITE


What does warning message VMJMCF093W mean?


These warnings are controlled by the OVERLAP record in the VMACCT DASDINFO file which resides on VMACCT's 191 disk. The default is OVERLAP WARN, however, if you don't want to receive these messages and allow overlaps, you can specify OVERLAP ALLOW. With OVERLAP ALLOW, no warning is generated for minidisks that have overlapping extents. You should use the EXCLUDE record in the VMACCT DASDINFO file to exclude from processing any full pack minidisk definitions that map a volume that contains other minidisks. Doing so will prevent these messages for volumes with a fullpack definition in addition to the minidisks defined on the volume. information on these VMACCT DASDINFO file records.

Additional Information

Refer to the VM:Account System Administrator Guide under the section "Charging for DASD Ownership"  for more information on these VMACCT DASDINFO file records.