Job log not visible in Clarity job logs listing
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Job log not visible in Clarity job logs listing


Article ID: 55271


Updated On: 01-24-2022


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You, as a Clarity Administrator, expect to see all the Job Logs listed. There are times when you get notified about jobs completing,  but you find the job id only from the database tables and no trace of the job id from UI > job listing. ( Jobs > logs )

You only see the job logs for the jobs that were initiated by yourself and jobs that others share with you. Is there a reason why all job logs cannot be found on the clarity UI?


Release: All Supported releases


Check the following to see if one of the below is the cause

Report Administrators

When a Report Administrator schedules a reporting job (not immediate execution) and specifies Shared Resources or Shared Groups, the completed report based on the defined parameters will appear in the Report Library for the specified Resources or Groups. The Report definition must have the 'Enable Log' option checked for the Report to show up in the Library.

Job Administrators

When a Job Administrator schedules a job to execute (immediate or scheduled) and specifies Shared Resources or Shared Groups, the completed job will appear in the Job Logs listing page for the specified Resources or Groups. The Job definition must have the 'Enable Log' option checked. Only the resources and/or groups specified on the job properties will be able to see the logs for the Job to show up on the Logs page.

System job doesn't write to job logs by design

The Time Slicing job is a system job and is often run at a high-frequency rate such as every 1 or 5 minutes and for this reason, does not write to the job logs by design. Jobs that have a System Type of "System" have their 'Enable Log' option and 'Enable Output' hardcoded and cannot be modified by the user or overridden from the backend. This is why, in the application, these fields are grayed-out and not modifiable. The Clarity documentation provides recommendations for some system jobs that are typically run after hours, such as the Datamart Extraction or Index Documents and Contents jobs, or jobs that run during off-peak periods. 

Notification Configuration

You must have notifications for Reports and Jobs enabled to receive a notification if you are selected to receive a notification on completion or failure of the scheduled Report or Job.

Additional Information

For more information on specific jobs, please reference the Administration Guide: Job access rights