What needs to be done for time changes in fall and spring?
Spring Forward
Problem occurs with the target time. For example the target time is 10:30 and the actual time on the clock is 10:20 and you moved the clock forward to 11:20. Then the job is suddenly late and needs to run now. By default CA Jobtrac will place the event on a manual hold. This means you will need to remove the manual hold in order for the event to run. If you are on CA Jobtrac r3.5 an option in the JOBTRA00 member 'TNDOVLP=N' is available to allow the events to run and ignore the 'time date overlap 'n'.
Fall Back
Shutdown CA Jobtrac, set the time back 1 hour, and then wait an hour before you bring CA Jobtrac up again in order to make sure the timestamps on the CA Jobtrac checkpoint file are in ascending sequence. This will ensure job averaging is maintained in history file and that reports are correct. Problem occurs with end time if a job starts at 09:00 and runs for a minute and while this is happening the clock is set back. Now the time shows that it finished at 08:00.
GSS MVS does not continue to check the CPU time once it is initialized-it keeps its own internal running clock once it is brought up. Some IMODs utilize the GSS internal clock to wake up or to perform a specific function, thus you should always recycle GSS MVS if the CPU time changes.