If using CALL AMODE24 and ENVIRONMENT (COBOL), the LE runtime options will need to be changed.
FILE EXITs and subprograms can have an AMODE of 24, 31, or ANY and an RMODE of 24 or ANY.
Easytrieve Plus Report Generator, release 6.4
If a 24-bit subprogram is being called from an Easytrieve program when ENVIRONMENT(COBOL) is set, these LE runtime options must also be set:
Language Environment (LE) Considerations section in the Getting Started Guide p.4-14.
When the Unicenter CA-Easytrieve runtime routines are installed, one module, (ETCOBSR), is statically link edited with the LE runtime option overrides required by Easytrieve. These overrides are distributed in the form of an object module named ETLEOPTS. In the SMP/E JCLIN for the ETCOBSR module, you can see that ETLEOPTS is statically linked into module ETCOBSR, (along with the ETCOBST module). If you require additional LE runtime option overrides, these may be added:
If assembling your own CEEUOPT, be sure to include the following LE runtime option overrides required by Easytrieve: