Easytrieve release 11.x - Compiler system I/O error 15 (SYSLIN file not found) Do I need to change my JCL to include a SYSLIN statement when executing CA Easytrieve?
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Easytrieve release 11.x - Compiler system I/O error 15 (SYSLIN file not found) Do I need to change my JCL to include a SYSLIN statement when executing CA Easytrieve?


Article ID: 55176


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Easytrieve Report Generator


With Easytrieve release 11.x, getting this error:
   Compiler system I/O error 15 (SYSLIN file not found)

Does the JCL need to be changed to include a SYSLIN statement when executing Easytrieve?



Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.x


The SYSLIN statement is not needed when executing Easytrieve release 11.x. This error occurs when JOB06EOP or JOB06OP1's ASMINI step finishes with RC=04 instead of RC=00. Then the link step is flushed, and the warning message is "ASMA410W WORK file not defined to the assembler".

To resolve this problem, include 
//SYSUT1 DD UNIT=&WRKDUNT,SPACE=(1700,(400,400)) 
//SYSUT2 DD UNIT=&WRKDUNT,SPACE=(1700,(400,400)) 
//SYSUT3 DD UNIT=&WRKDUNT,SPACE=(1700,(400,400)) 

Then, rerun the JOB06EOP job (for release 11.0/11.5) or JOB06OP1 (for release 11.6), which will then finish successfully with RC=00 and allow the INI file to be created.

Now the EZT jobs will run successfully.