The SYSLIN statement is not needed when executing CA Easytrieve release 11.x. This error occurs when JOB06EOP's ASMINI step finishes with RC=04 instead of RC=00. Then the link step is flushed, and the warning message is "ASMA410W WORK file not defined to the assembler".
* To resolve this problem, include //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=&WRKDUNT,SPACE=(1700,(400,400)) //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=&WRKDUNT,SPACE=(1700,(400,400)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=&WRKDUNT,SPACE=(1700,(400,400)) *
Then, rerun the JOB06EOP job (for release 11.0/11.5) or JOB06OP1 (for release 11.6), which will then finish successfully with RC=00 and allow the INI file to be created.
Now the EZT jobs will run successfully without the "Easytrieve Compiler system I/O error 15 - SYSLIN not found" error message.