I have converted from VPS and specified print driver option 3 to pick up the VPS resource loadlib where my assembled FORMS/WRITERS are located. The file should print in Landscape orientation with my specified form but it's printing Portrait.
The Print Driver option 3 requires the VPS Resource Loadlib or copy of to be specified on the Spool proc STEPLIB and APF authorized.
If a writer name is specified for a file, that writer will be used to try to locate a formatting module. If no formatting module is found with a name matching the writer, no formatting commands are added to the beginning of the datastream.
If no writer name is specified on the file, the form name will be used to try to locate a formatting module. If no formatting module is found with a name matching the form name, no formatting commands are added to the beginning of the datastream.
Example of Print Driver option 3 in use:
Print Driver option 3 is a Formatting option and can be specified on the basic print drivers: LPR, PJL, PJL4, PJL5, PCL5, DSO.
See the Customization Guide, Chapter 3, Initialization Parameter Statement descriptions, TCPDRIV, then look for Print driver option 3 under valid values.
Here is the description of option 3:
Include VPS Start Printer command string before the print file, and VPS End Printer command string after the print file. The VPS resource library must be added to the Spool proc's STEPLIB DD concatenation. The WRITER name or the FORM name is used to select the correct member from the VPS resource library.
If USERPARM=BAN=*mbr* is specified on the node statement, the command strings contained in *mbr* is included before, after, or both the Spool separator page.
If this is specified insure you are also specifying SEP=2 or higher to get the Spool separator pages.