For the usage of VTAPE with CA DYNAM/T VSE please refer to Product Documentation Change RI03553.
To backup files on a remote server define a range of virtual tapes to the DYNAM catalog using the DYNCAT SCRPOOL command as follows:
FIRSTVOL and LASTVOL specify the range of virtual volsers being added to the catalog. The first 2 positions of the vtape volume serial number can be used to differentiate a virtual tape from a real tape volser.
VTAPFILE identifies the directory/file name of the vtape file on the server. The field 'VOLSER' in the name will be replaced by the volume serial number in the file name.
VTAPLOC is used to specify the IP address where the virtual tape is to be written.
When the backup is finished, a secured backup of the DYNAM catalog should also be written to a virtual tape on the remote server. By doing this it will be easy to recover from a disaster because all the important tapes are located on the remote server. To know what tape to restore after a disaster, a file containing the volume serial number of the DYNCAT BACKUP should be sent to the server where the BACKUP resides. The file should have a name that identifies the file exactly. It might also be a good idea to FTP the JCL that should be used to do the RESTORE of the DYNAM catalog to this server in addition to the volume serial of the DYNAM backup tape. This all can be done automatically using REXX programs.
Sample JCL for the backup follows :
* $$ JOB JNM=DYNCAT,CLASS=A,DISP=D * $$ LST CLASS=A,DEST=(,uuuuuuuu),DISP=D <== change // JOB DYNCAT uuuuuuuu <== change * BACKUP OR RESTORE DYNAM CATALOG BEFORE TESTS // TLBL IJSYSBK,'DYNAM.CATALOG.BKUP' // EXEC DYNCAT BACKUP /* * CREATE DATASET WITH VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER // DLBL TEST,'PRINTED.LIST.OUTPUT' // EXTENT SYS007,vvvvvv,1,0,sss,nnn <== change // LIBDEF PROC,SEARCH=lib.sublib <== change // EXEC REXX=REXXMSG /* * FTP THE DATASET WITH VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER // DLBL FIL1,'PRINTED.LIST.OUTPUT' // EXTENT SYS005,vvvvvv,1,0,sss,nnn <== change // ASSGN SYS005,DISK,VOL=vvvvvv,SHR <== change // EXEC FTPBATCH,PARM='IP=nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn' <== change user <== change pass <== change uuuuuuuu <== change pass <== change CD /directory <== change PUT %FIL1,SAM,V,12288 fn.ft <== change QUIT /* /& * $$ EOJ