$$SYSPRO is a procedure which delivers a System Profile of the users environment. Whey you execute it from OCS or Command Entry its output contains System Initialization Parameters, SOLVE License Information, actual System Status, current SYSPARM Settings, NCL Global Variables, Buffer/Storage Utilization, UDB-, NDB-, LSR-, LINK- and ISR-Information.
To get information on the level of procedures in the command library concatenation regarding applied maintenance the following Commands can be used:
$$SYSPRO APAR Lists all members prefixed with $ (distributed procedures). $$SYSPRO APAR ALL Lists all members in the command library concatenation. $$SYSPRO APAR prefix Lists all members that begin with the specified prefix. $$SYSPRO APAR SHORT Limits the list to members with maintenance applied and members in the first command library. $$SYSPRO APAR HELP Displays help panel
As scanning of the command library can take some time the progress of the scan is displayed every quarter of the complete list.
APAR DISPLAY: 3095 Members found APAR DISPLAY: Commencing Scan APAR DISPLAY: Scan is 25% complete APAR DISPLAY: Scan is 50% complete APAR DISPLAY: Scan is 75% complete
If it is necessary to send the list to a mail recipient (eg. a Broadcom Mainframe Support Representative), you can follow these instructions: