Clarity PPM: NSQL NPT-217: This query produced duplicate dimensional data. The results shown here may be invalid or incomplete.
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Clarity PPM: NSQL NPT-217: This query produced duplicate dimensional data. The results shown here may be invalid or incomplete.


Article ID: 54868


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


The message appears:

NPT-217: This query produced duplicate dimensional data. The results shown here may be invalid or incomplete.

A custom portlet was created that gets data from a dynamic NSQL query. The results displayed in the portlet do not match what is returned when the SQL query is run directly on the database.


  • This is caused by non-unique values returned for the 'Dimension Key' defined within the NSQL statement.
  • The error message that you receive cannot be turned off. This error message is important to the end user to indicate that the information or data result set displayed from the Portlet may not contain all the appropriate data.
  • Although you may need to have duplicate rows for a particular field, you can still construct your query in a manner that will retrieve a unique Dimensional Key.
  • You are not required to display the Dimensional Key on the published Portlet.
  • You may also consider creating a multiple dimensional portlet, that may resolve your issue.
  • If you have a multiple dimensional portlet containing more than one Dimensional Key, the value in the Dimensional key can be non-unique if the combination of the data in all Dimensional Keys are unique.


  • The message will continue to appear until the NSQL is corrected. Until then, incorrect or incomplete data displayed in the Portlet result set.
  • The NSQL will need to be modified so that the 'Dimension Key' returns unique values within the result set.
  • This 'Dimension Key' can be created with any field type, but the results must be unique within the result set.


Additional Information

Reference the Clarity Studio Guide documentation for more information on Portlet syntax and construction.