Identity Minder - user creation, deletion, update (Legacy_Onyx KB Id: 221702)
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Identity Minder - user creation, deletion, update (Legacy_Onyx KB Id: 221702)


Article ID: 54755


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We have a requirement of creating, updating and deleting user records from SunOne directory store in controlled manner from within our code. We are exploring the possibility of using Identity Minder's capability in performing these tasks when invoked by our own Java client. We would appreciate if netegrity support can answer the following questions:

1. Our Java client will be deployed on WebLogic server (solaris) and intends to make use of IdentityMinder for user creation, deletion and update. Does IDM expose any APIs that can be used to do the above operation.

2. If the answer to above is Yes then can Netegrity provide a sample application with client and necessary documents.


Component: IDMIND


1. Our Java client will be deployed on WebLogic server (solaris) and intends to make use of IdentityMinder for user creation, deletion and update.
Does IDM expose any APIs that can be used to do the above operation.

>>> Yes. You can use IDM Task Execution Web Services (TEWS). You can call the TEWS web services in own Java client to create, update and delete user.

2. If the answer to above is Yes then can Netegrity provide a sample application with client and necessary documents.

>>>Please refer to Chapter 10 of Negrity IdentityMinder Web Edition Developer's Guide v6.0.
>>>Sample program is available in C:\Program Files