CA Jobtrac Condition Code Checking
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CA Jobtrac Condition Code Checking


Article ID: 54632


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How condition code checking is performed when a job or schedule are submitted via a RUN, ADD or CCPF (Condition Code Program Filter table).



Component: JOBTRC


Run Job Command

If a JOB is submitted to Jobtrac via the 'RUN' command (RUN jobname), a default condition Code '0000' will be used regardless of the CCPF (Condition Code Program Filter) entries or past job history information.

If Global Option 'RAMAXCC=NNNN' is set then the maximum condition code will be 'NNNN' for the 'RUN' of a job.

Add job command

If a job is submitted to CA Jobtrac via the 'ADD JOBNAME' command, a default condition code '0000' will be used regardless of the CCPF (Condition Code Program Filter) entries or past job history information.

If Global Option 'RAMAXCC=NNNN' is set then the maximum condition wil be 'NNNN' for an 'ADD' of a job.

In order to get condition code checking for an 'ADD' via CA Jobtrac ISPF session. You must enter 'ADD' on the command line by itself and hit enter. Then you can specify the event name and condition code to be used in the panel.

Run or Add of a schedule

If a 'RUN' or 'ADD' of a schedule is done, the only condition code check performed is in the SCL maximum condition code field (COLUMNS 72-75) for the event.

If no values are in column COLUMNS 72-75 then no condition code check is performed for the event.

CCPF table

The CCPF TABLE (Condition Code Program Filter) entries are only used when the 'MAXCC' field has '0000' in column 72-75 of the SCL. If the maximum condition code field has anything other than '0000', then this value is used instead of the CCPF value.

*note find information on the CCPF table in the Extended Scheduling Services Guides Chapter 6 Specifying Additional Condition Codes.