Implementing Standard Single Sign-On 'SSO' with Repository For z/OS WebStation Option r7.1
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Implementing Standard Single Sign-On 'SSO' with Repository For z/OS WebStation Option r7.1


Article ID: 54591


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Looking to incorporate Single Sign-On with CA Repository For z/OS WebStation Option?
Since SSO works as client-server architecture, there must be a SSO server installed.
Whenever the URL is entered in the browser, it will be authenticated depending upon the setting in the SSO server. In the SSO server there is typically a list of users who can access the application which makes is possible to login without prompting the user for userid and password.


Component: XWSO


  1. Create a .txt file named SCRIPT.TXT with the following code

    sso html_browse -location "http://machinename:8080/WSO7.1"

    sso html_setfield -label "User ID:" -value $_USERNAME
    sso html_setfield -label "Password:" -value $_PASSWD
    sso html_push -name "Log In"

  2. Change the URL in the script to the URL which is used to login to WSO. (e.g. http://machinename:8080/WSO7.1)

  3. Put the script file in the SSO server's script directory.