CA View Dynamic Allocation error codes HELP
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CA View Dynamic Allocation error codes HELP


Article ID: 54522


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Output Management Document Viewer Deliver View Output Management Web Viewer


There are 21 different View messages that refer to Dynamic Allocation error codes. This document will show you how to find these error codes in the online help tutorial.




Tutorial ----------------- CA-View Sysout Retrieval ------------------ Tutorial
 Option  ===>                                                                  
                      |       CA-View                    |                      
                      |       General Information        |                      

CA-View is the retrieval component of the Computer Associates family of automated output management products. It allows you to retrieve and browse or print previously archived SYSOUT. Initially, you provide criteria for selection of archived SYSOUT to be made available to you. You may then
scroll through the list of available SYSOUT via the Scroll commands and, by entering the appropriate selection character on the desired entry, select
SYSOUT for browsing or printing.

If your selection requires the SYSOUT to be online and it no longer resides on disk, it will automatically be loaded to disk from tape. Alternatively, you may request that a background job be submitted to reload it to disk.

The following topics are presented in sequence or may be selected by number:

  1. Display format
  2. Commands and PF keys
  3. Process MODE commands
  4. DEFine commands
  5. Dynamic allocation codes
  6. STATUS command

Type 5 on the command line to bring up the list of dynamic allocation error codes

Tutorial ----------------- CA-View Sysout Retrieval ------------------ Tutorial
Option  ===>                                                                  
                     |  Dynamic Allocation Error Codes  |                      

CA-View identifies dynamic allocation errors with the actual error and information codes returned from IBM dynamic allocation. The possible error codes are listed in the following.

0204Real storage unavailable.
020CRequest for exclusive use of a shared data set cannot be honored.
0210Requested data set unavailable - allocated to another job.
0214Units not available.
0218Requested volume not mounted and user not authorized to mount volume.
021CUndefined unit name.
0220Requested volume not available.
0224Eligible device types do not contain enough units.
0228Specified volume or unit in use by system.
022CVolume mounted on ineligible permanently resident or reserved unit.
0230Permanently resident or reserved volume on required unit.
0234More than one device required for a request specifying a specific unit.
0238Space unavailable in task input output table (TIOT).
023CRequired catalog not mounted.
0240Requested device is a console.
0244Telecommunication device not available.
0248MSS virtual volume cannot be mounted.
024COperating-system-managed resource was unavailable to subsystem.
0250Subsystem resource not available.
0254The TIOT resource is unavailable and conditional ENQ was requested.
0258There was not a sufficient number of non-restricted units for request.
025CRequested device is boxed and cannot be accessed.
0260Unit does not meet specified status requirements.
0264Invalid request due to current unit status.
0268Tape device is broken.
0358Overriding disposition of delete invalid for data set allocated as SHR.
035CInvalid parm specified in text unit.
0360Invalid key specified in text unit.
0364JOBLIB/STEPLIB/JOBCAT/STEPCAT specified or implied as ddname.
0368Authorized function requested by unauthorized user.
036CInvalid parameter list format.
0374Invalid number specified in text unit.
0378Duplicate key specified in text unit.
037CInvalid length specified in text unit.
0380Mutually exclusive key specified in text unit.
0384Mutually inclusive key not specified.
0388Required key not specified.
038CDuplicate ddnames specified for concatenation.
0390GDG group name specified with relative generation no. exceeds 35 chars.
0394Status and relative generation number are incompatible.
0398Volume sequence number exceeds the number of volumes.
039CDevice type and volume are incompatible.
03A0Subsystem detected an invalid parameter.
03A4Unable to protect data set/volume due to conflicting specification.
0410Specified ddname unavailable.
0420Specified ddname associated with an open data set.
0424Deconcatenation would result in duplicate ddnames.
0434Ddname is associated with a convertible or non-perm. allocated resource.
0438Specified ddname not found.
043CCould not decrease no. of resources held to meet limit of control value.
0440Specified dsname not found.
0444Relative entry no. specified in information retrieval request not found.
0448Request for new data set failed; data set already exists.
044CExisting data set requested found allocated as eligible for deletion.
0450Request would exceed the limit of 1635 concurrent allocations.
0454Ddname in DCB reference not found.
0458Dsname in DCB reference or volume reference is a GDG group name.
045CDsname to be unallocated member of permanently concatenated group.
0460Dsname or member to be unallocated not associated with specified ddname.
0464Specified dsname to be unallocated is a private catalog.
0468Error while allocating or opening a private catalog.
046CRemote work station not defined to job entry subsystem.
0470User unauthorized for job entry subsystem request.
0474Error while attempting to select optimum device.
0478Unable to process job entry subsystem request.
047CUnable to establish estae environment.
0480The number of units to satisfy the request exceeds the limit.
0484Request denied by operator.
0488GDG pattern DSCB not mounted.
048CGDG pattern DSCB not found.
0490Error changing allocation assignments.
0494Error processing OS CVOL.
0498MSS virtual volume not accessible.
049CMSS virtual volume not defined.
04A0MSS MSVGP name not defined.
04A4Subsystem request in error.
04A8Subsystem does not support allocation via DALSSNM.
04ACSubsystem is not operational.
04B0Subsystem does not exist.
04B4Protect request not processed; RACF not in system or not active.
04B8MSS not initialized for allocation.
04BCMSS volume select error.
04C0Protect request failed; user not defined to RACF.
04C4Request for VOL=REF to a dsname or DCB=dsname exceeded maximum.
04C8Unexpected non-zero return code from common alloc. or JFCB housekeeping.
04CCInvalid reference to an OUTPUT JCL statement.
1704LOCATE error: required catalog is not available.
1708LOCATE error: entry not found, or VSAM catalog request failed.
170CLOCATE error: invalid index structure.
1710LOCATE error: invalid index structure.
1714LOCATE error: invalid data set name.
1718LOCATE error: permanent I/O error processing the catalog.
172CLOCATE error: return code 40 (decimal) from LOCATE.
17FFLOCATE error: unexpected error from LOCATE.
4704DADSM error: duplicate name DSCB.
4708DADSM error: no available DSCBs in the VTOC
470CDADSM error: permanent I/O error in reading or writing a DSCB.
4710DADSM error: the absolute track requested is not available.
4714DADSM error: the quantity of space requested is not available.
4718DADSM error: the record length specified greater than the track length.
4730DADSM error: no. tracks requested for split cyl. > no. trks. per cyl.
4738DADSM error: the volume does not have enough space for the directory.
4780DADSM error: the directory space requested is larger than the primary.
47A8RACF error: data set not allocated, RACF data set def already exists.
47ACRACF error: you are not authorized to define this data set to RACF.
47B0DADSM error: installation exit rejected the request
5704CATALOG error: required catalog is not available.
5708CATALOG error: catalog structure inconsistent or VSAM cat request fail.
570CCATALOG error: reserved.
5710CATALOG error: invalid index structure.
5714CATALOG error: insufficient space in catalog.
5718CATALOG error: generation data set error.
571C CATALOG error: permanent I/O error processing the catalog.
6704OBTAIN error: the required volume is not mounted.
6708OBTAIN error: DSCB not found in the VTOC of the specified volume.
670COBTAIN error: permanent I/O error on the specified volume.
6710OBTAIN error: invalid work area pointer.
6714OBTAIN error: CCHH not within boundaries of VTOC extent (seek mode).
7700Subsystem error.
7704A subsystem interface system error occurred for key DALSSNM.
8700Scheduler JCL facility error.
9700Unable to allocate "DAU" database on "SMS" controlled volume.

Additional Information

 See IBM documentation of the error codes.  This includes action to resolve the problem.