*** Internal Error *** Received in Update member PDS using File Master Plus MVS 10.0 with CA-Allocate/Vam 12.5
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*** Internal Error *** Received in Update member PDS using File Master Plus MVS 10.0 with CA-Allocate/Vam 12.5


Article ID: 5447


Updated On:


Allocate DASD Space and Placement File Master Plus for IMS File Master Plus for DB2 for z/OS


*** Internal Error DDnnnZ *** received in Update member PDS using  CA-File Master Plus MVS 10.0

with CA-Allocate/Vam 12.5.


CA-File Master Plus - MVS 10.0 , CA-Allocate/Vam 12.5 , TSO/ISPF - Z/OS


When updating PDS member in edit mode under  CA-File Master PLus - MVS 10.0 on MVS system using CA-Allocate/Vam 12.5 without full maintenance applied we are are getting the following message:  *** Internal Error DDnnnZ ***.



Full maintenance must be applied on system using CA-Allocate/Vam 12.5, wich resolves the 

*** Internal Error DDnnnZ *** occurence.




Additional Information

Full maintenance CA-Allocate/Vam 12.5 includes and resolves the following malfunction: 

"When allocating a new non-VSAM data set using the "LIKE=' JCL attribute, and the "LIKED-TO" data set is a PDS, and specifying a DSORG override in the JCL, the override is not honored.  The data set is allocated as a PDS (DSORG=PO)     instead of the requested DSORG=PS."