Approval process: if error due to lack of approvers on the Risk Evaluation process, the process should unlock the Field.
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Approval process: if error due to lack of approvers on the Risk Evaluation process, the process should unlock the Field.


Article ID: 54395


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal



Approval process: if error due to lack of approvers on the Risk Evaluation process, the process should unlock the Field.

Steps to Reproduce:
These steps can start from any REO (Risk enabled Object)

  • The current REO's are: Assets, Applications, Business Objective (BO), Business Process (BP, Organization Contexts (OC)
    For the purpose of the STR's I will use the BO object

  • Navigate to BO - open an instance of BO

  • Go to risks

  • Create a risk, choose a risk type and save

  • Go to subpage "Evaluation Planning" and set Status to Completed - save

  • Note: Do not set 'to be approved by'

  • Go to process tab and click on the messages (Yellow Warning) icon

  • The message will say - BPM-0534: No resources selected for attribute(s): rcm_bo_risk.approvers.
    Note: The REO appropriate Approval process needs to be validated and active

  • There is one process per object, for business objectives the process id is rcm_risk_bo_evaluation_approval

  • The process kicks off automatically (as long as it is active/validated)



Component: IDMGR


  • Create a new Risk (same steps as before), ensure you enter at least one resource in the 'to be approved by' attribute

  • Set status to completed

  • Delete the Risk evaluation without approvers:
    From the Risk list page, check the record to be deleted and click the delete icon.