What is the difference between an Endevor Unload and Unload/Validate?
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What is the difference between an Endevor Unload and Unload/Validate?


Article ID: 54376


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Learn about the differences and what gets validated during an Endevor unload and unload/validate.





Both UNLOAD and VALIDATE do the same checks. There are only a few marginal differences between UNLOAD and VALIDATE. Listed below are the differences:

  1. Validate uses a dummy output routine, whereas UNLOAD uses the standard output program.
  2. Validate does not check the LRECL of the output file, UNLOAD checks that all of the types in all of the systems will fit in the LRECL of the UNLOAD file.
  3. Validate will issue a shared ENQ. Unload issues an exclusive ENQ at the system level.

    So what do UNLOAD and VALIDATE actually validate?

    1. The correctness of the MCF/ECF contents being unloaded/validated. Checks are done to ensure that the systems, subsystems, stages, etc. exist. 
    2. The PRESENCE of the element base/delta and component base/delta members as listed in the MCF for each element to be unloaded/validated.
    3. The presence and correctness of the FOOTPRINT of the base/delta members.
      - Neither UNLOAD nor VALIDATE tests the correctness of the base/delta member contents. This should indeed not be necessary, since one should not be able to change any of them outside Endevor without losing or compromising their footprints.
    4. Neither UNLOAD nor VALIDATE can verify if the base or delta file contains members with no corresponding MCF element, this type of validation can only be performed by the FOOTPRINT EXCEPTION REPORT, CONRPT83.

For more information on the Unload Utility  



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