Export and Import Software Packages, Boot Images and OS Images.
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Export and Import Software Packages, Boot Images and OS Images.


Article ID: 54332


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CA Client Automation


The following procedure outlines how to export Software Packages, Boot Images and OS Images from one server to another.


Client Automation - All versions


Export & Import Software Packages

  1. Drill down to Software Package Library->All Software.

  2. In the right pane select the packages you want to export. Right-click and select Export->Library Image.
    (Note that you can leave out the default DSM packages if you want since these packages will be present by default on creating the new server)

    (Fig. 1)

  3. Specify a temp folder to export the packages to.

    (Fig. 2)

    (Fig. 3)

  4. Copy the folder (with the packages) to the server where the packages have to be imported.

  5. Browse to the folder and select all the subfolders (except library.dct). Right-click and select copy.

    (Fig. 4)

  6. Open the DSM Explorer on the new server and drill down to Software Package Library->All Software.
    In the right pane, right-click and select 'Paste->Folder(s) to import Software Package(s)'.

    (Fig. 5)

Export & Import OS Images

  1. Drill down to Software Package Library->All Software.

  2. Right-click the OS Image and select Export->Software Package.

    (Fig. 6)

  3. Browse to the folder where you would like to export the OS image. Click Ok.

    (Fig. 7)

  4. Copy the folder to the server where the OS image has to be imported.

  5. Import/Register the OS image using the following command:
    registerosimage -s <Server name> -w <Location of the OS image>

    (Fig. 8)

  6. Stage the OS Image to the respective BootServer (Including the Domain Manager if this used as a boot server)

    Expand 'Software -> All Software -> <OS Image Name> -> Procedures'

    Copy and paste the procedure 'Add To BootServer' on the concerned BootServer

    (Fig. 9)

Export & Import Boot Images

  1. Right-click the boot image and select Export->Software Package.

    (Fig. 10)

  2. Specify the desired folder where you would like to export the boot image. Click OK.

    (Fig. 11)

  3. Copy the folder to the server where the Boot image has to be imported.

  4. Enable and start Managed PC Server using:

    caf enable sdmpcserver
    caf start sdmpcserver

  5. Import/Register the boot image using:

    registerbtimages -s <Server name> -w <Location of the Boot image>

    (Fig. 12)