Batch interface jobs are receiving message DADEX001 RESP=88 RESP2=0201 and the step ends with a return code of 4. This message is generated when utilizing the High Performance Option HPO=EXCI on the CA DADS Plus for CICS batch interface file DADSBIF.
This is an issue with the CICS external interface. It occurs when the MVS system where the batch job runs has had no IRC activity since the previous IPL. When this happens, the external CICS interface cannot determine the CICS SVC number.
(Refer to CICS Transaction Server for z/OS - External Interfaces Guide Reason codes for response: RETRYABLE - 201: NO_CICS_IRC_STARTED).
There are two ways to prevent this from occurring.
The first is to ensure that a CICS region has logged on to IRC (that is, has started up with the system initialization parameter IRCSTRT=YES or has started IRC dynamically with an OPEN IRC command) in the MVS system where the batch job is run after the system is IPL'D, but before the DADS batch interface job is run.
The second way is by modifying the external CICS interface option table, DFHXCOPT, to include the CICSSVC number. By coding the CICSSVC parameter, reassembling and relinking the table, then including the library containing the modified DFHXCOPT in the batch job STEPLIB concatenation, the external CICS interface will know what SVC number to use. More information about DFHXCOPT can be found in the IBM CICS External CICS Interfaces manual.