I'm trying to divide integers in a Forest & Trees function and I keep getting a whole number when it should be a decimal. How do you get a decimal out of a division (i.e. 3/10 = .30)?
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I'm trying to divide integers in a Forest & Trees function and I keep getting a whole number when it should be a decimal. How do you get a decimal out of a division (i.e. 3/10 = .30)?


Article ID: 54251


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Cleverpath Reporter



How do you get a decimal out of a division (i.e. 3/10 = .30)?


Getting a decimal out of a division in Forest & Trees depends on your data types. Go to Tools>Data Formats and check what the Double format is set to. If it is set to default, it is using the Windows Regional Settings for the format. So either make sure your regional settings are correct, or specify something like #.## here in Data Formats instead of default. That should show you .30 instead of 0 when doing your division.


Release: CVPFTB05900-7.11-Forest & Trees-Dashboard Option Component