How to stop and clear Unicenter Notification Service queue to prevent unwanted events from triggering a page or email
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How to stop and clear Unicenter Notification Service queue to prevent unwanted events from triggering a page or email


Article ID: 54217


Updated On:


CA Unicenter NSM



A flood of critical events may trigger in the unicenter notification queue due to system down. This could cause a large number of unwanted page/emails if unicenter notification is used.

This queue may need to be cleared to prevent a large number of unwanted emails/pages from being sent.


To prevent any notification, clear the unicenter notification queue as follows

From a dos command prompt issue the following commands:

  1. Stop "CA Notification Services"

    unscntrl stop

  2. Clear the CA notification queue from any events queued for page/email

    del <drive>:\Program Files\CA\Unicenter NSM\UNS\runtime\checkpoint\*.*

  3. Restart "Ca Notification services"

    unscntrl start

  4. Verify if CA Notification Services" started successfully.

    unscntrl status


Release: TNGEXO05500-11.1-Management-for Microsoft Exchange