get a S0C4 abend on CBRUXCUA when we mount a tape in output.
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get a S0C4 abend on CBRUXCUA when we mount a tape in output.


Article ID: 5421


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


All jobs for which we need to mount a volume we get a S0C4 abend on CBRUXCUA with the following message:


CBR4225E Change use attribute processing discontinued due to a CBRUXCUA failure when processing volume volser for library library-name.


Z/OS - IBM ROBOT - CA1 Interface installed


The only exits for OAM that CA 1 supplies are CBRUXENT, CBRUXEJC and CBRUXVNL

Regarding the message:

CBR4225E Change use attribute processing discontinued due to a CBRUXCUA failure when processing volume volser for library library-name.

Explanation: During an attempt to change the use attribute of volume volser for library library-name from PRIVATE to SCRATCH, SCRATCH to
PRIVATE, SCRATCH to SCRATCH, or PRIVATE to PRIVATE, the change use attribute installation exit (CBRUXCUA) either

  • returned with invalid data
  • returned with an invalid return code or
  • abnormally ended.

System Action: The use attribute of the volume is not changed. Change use attribute processing for PRIVATE to SCRATCH requests is discontinued and the change use attribute installation exit (CBRUXCUA) is not invoked again until OAM has been stopped and restarted or the installation exit has been reactivated by issuing the LIBRARY RESET, CBRUXCUA command. Processing of SCRATCH to PRIVATE, SCRATCH to SCRATCH, PRIVATE to PRIVATE requests continues without invocation of the change use attribute installation exit (CBRUXCUA).

System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of failure. LINKEDIT a new copy of the installation exit (CBRUXCUA) and either restart OAM or issue the LIBRARY RESET, CBRUXCUA command to reactivate the exit.

Source: Object Access Method (OAM)


CBRUXCUA exit is DISABLE. Find why this one was DISABLED and change the status to ENABLE


CBRUXCUA exit is DISABLE. Find why this one was DISABLED and change the status to ENABLE