Steps to enlarge Jobtrac databases
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Steps to enlarge Jobtrac databases


Article ID: 54205


Updated On:


Jobtrac Datacom/AD


If you receive a TRACWARN message about your Jobtrac database becoming full and want to enlarge it, here are some tips. These will apply to increasing the Jobtrac 11.0 Index, EVENT, OPTIONS, HISTORY and Staging database files using SAMPJCL member DBMOVE.



Release: All

Component : JOBTRC

Component : Datacom/AD


  1. Before running SAMPJCL member DBMOVE, modify the JCL to make sure the utility is pointing to the correct files.
  2. All Jobtrac tasks must be shut down
  3. Jobtrac users must exit the Jobtrac ISPF interface, or, if the users are not available, their TSO ID should be canceled.
  4. In order to allocate a new file, the BACKUP step in the DBMOVE job needs to run as a standalone job first and must complete with a CC of zero. Then run the rest of the steps as a separate job.

Additional Information

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom or Jobtrac if you have further questions.