Meaning of Request Attribute values
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Meaning of Request Attribute values


Article ID: 54175


Updated On:


CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On



As part of the logging on the CA SiteMinder Policy Server, there are instances where the following type of information is logged:

[13:01:54][Receive request attribute 166, data size is 3][][][][2328][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[13:01:54][Receive request attribute 148, data size is 1][][][][2328][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
][13:01:54][Receive request attribute 149, data size is 0][][][][2328][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[13:01:54][Receive request attribute 145, data size is 1665][][][][2328][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[13:02:26][Receive request attribute 199, data size is 10][][][][2371][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[13:02:26][Receive request attribute 159, data size is 10][][][][2371][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[13:02:26][Receive request attribute 165, data size is 1][][][][2371][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[13:02:26][Receive request attribute 166, data size is 3][][][][2371][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[13:02:26][Receive request attribute 148, data size is 1][][][][2371][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[13:02:26][Receive request attribute 149, data size is 0][][][][2371][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[13:02:26][Receive request attribute 145, data size is 1665][][][][2371][CSmMessage::ParseAgentMessage][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]




Release: 12.8.x
Component: SMPLC


Below you will see the meaning of the values of the Request Attributes:

138 AuthSecurityContext
139 AuthDomainName
140 SessionVarName
141 SessionVarData
142 SessionVarFlags
143 ConfigType
144 ConfigData
145 MonitoringData
146 VarsToBeResolved
147 VarsResolved
148 ManagementCommand
149 ManagementData
150 DomainOid
151 AuthDirOid
152 UserUniversalId
153 CurrentServerTime
154 StartSessionTime
155 LastSessionTime
156 IdentitySpec
157 UpdateAttrOid
158 StatusMsg
159 AgentTimestamp
160 V3TTL
161 ServiceLibrary
162 ServiceFunction
163 ServiceParameter
164 ServiceData
165 AgentTimezone
166 AgentCipherStrength
167 SessionDrift
168 BufferLimit
199 ManagementTimestamp
200 DeviceName
201 Resource
202 Action
203 RealmName
204 RealmOid
205 SessionId
206 CertBinary
207 CertUserDN
208 ClientIp
209 SessionSpec
210 UserName
211 UserPassword
212 Reason
213 AuthDirName
214 AuthDirServer
215 AuthDirNamespace
216 UserMsg
217 Server
218 UserDN
219 RealmCredentials
220 FormLocation
221 TransactionId
222 CertIssuerDN
224 Attributes 224 is reserved for custom agents. Custom agents who wish to implement session timeouts must use these attributes
225 IdleSessionTimeout
226 MaxSessionTimeout
227 DeniedRedirect
228 DeniedText
229 AcceptRedirect
230 AcceptText