Where does AutoSys Alarm "DB Problem ... XX.X% FULL ..." come from? Can it be adjusted?
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Where does AutoSys Alarm "DB Problem ... XX.X% FULL ..." come from? Can it be adjusted?


Article ID: 54155


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


An alarm appears in the AutoSys Alarm Manager related to the AutoSys MDB.

CAUAJM_I_60019 dbstatistics: Running dbstatistics at: Mon Apr 24 04:35:19 2023

CAUAJM_I_60020 dbspace:  Running dbspace at : Mon Apr 24 04:37:06 2023

CAUAJM_I_60031 The AutoSys tables have used 1245.9 MB disk space.

CAUAJM_I_50179  *** ALARM Sent! ***



DBMaint is normally run on a frequent basis to archive historical AutoSys data from Autosys database. As part of this process, DBMaint will call "dbstatistics" which in turn calls "dbspace". "dbspace" is the command which does a space check and issues the alarm if the defined DB threshold value for spaces used is exceeded.


You can set an environment variable before running the dbspace command, DBSPACE_ALARM_SPACE to the total size (in MB) of the combined tables you wish to be exceeded before sending an alarm.


With such an environment variable set into the shell before dbspace  command is run,  then it would result in an alarm being sent out only when the total combined size of the tables exceeds 2000MB.

The default is 1000MB for this alarm.

(note: it can be done without the MB too:  DBSPACE_ALARM_SPACE=2000; export DBSPACE_ALARM_SPACE )




If dbstatistics is being run as a separate Autosys job, then make sure that job's envvars has the above variable.


If dbspace is being invoked via DBMaint,  then make sure the DBMaint script has the above environment variable exported in it.

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