How to clear out a DS request that is COMPLETE on base SR task but in WAIT-D or BACKED-OUT status in Node Access?
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How to clear out a DS request that is COMPLETE on base SR task but in WAIT-D or BACKED-OUT status in Node Access?


Article ID: 54151


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Alchemist TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


How to clear out a DS request that is COMPLETE on base SR task but in WAIT-D or BACKED-OUT status in Node Access?
Request is COMPLETE on the base Alchemist, but shows as WAIT-D in Node access with DISABLED entity.


Component: ALCMST



In order get rid of this request the following steps must be followed:

  1. Rerun the original request (if this has not already been done) to ensure that all members of the request are superseded.
  • To remove the request from the NCL dataset, it will be necessary to close down Alchemist temporarily. However, before doing this, run a ZBBVPUP to definitively determine the member name -
     . Node RMT. Change Request Index. ---------------------------- Row 1 to 1 of 1 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE                                                                                OEname: ######           Zone: ####               Domain: ########                                                                                           Current   No.of Ents.  Change Request  Reference Admin.  Change              S Status     Err. Actv    Date and Time   Number   User    Provider              MASK===>   *    *     *                 *        *       *                     WAIT-D     NONE NONE  07/01/04 10:44:03 DS123                            DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS        
  • Convert this displayed date to the following format:./ PRINT INFILE('xxxx.NCL') LIST(DIRECTORY)./ NAME('INV?YYMMDDHHMMSS*'). 
  • So in the above example:./ PRINT INFILE('xxxx.NCL') LIST(DIRECTORY)./ NAME('INV?040107104403*').
  • Delete the member by changing the ZBBVPUP input from PRINT to DELETE, and using the specific NAME from the PRINT output (or if only one entity is returned in the PRINT, you can leave the masking in place) :
     ./ DELETE INFILE('xxxx.NCL') LIST(DIRECTORY)./ NAME('INV?040107104403*').