EZTC0719W warning will be generated under CA Easytrieve r11.x when coding non-reserve words on a single line of code.
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EZTC0719W warning will be generated under CA Easytrieve r11.x when coding non-reserve words on a single line of code.


Article ID: 54096


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Easytrieve Report Generator


The compiler for release 11.x for CA Easytrieve will generate warning EZTC0719W if a non-reserve word is coded by itself. Release 6.4 did not flag the code if a non-reserve word was coded on a line by itself.



CA Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.6



The compiler for release 11.x will generate a warning if a non-reserve word is coded by itself.
Release 6.4 did not flag the code if a non-reserve word was coded on a line by itself.

Example: If the word CONTINUE is now coded under release 11.x, this warning will be generated:

              473 CONTINUE
EZTC0719W >>> + LABEL name is unreferenced

CONTINUE is not on the CA Easytrieve's list of reserve words. Release 6.4 did not produce a warning.
It just ignored single words in the code that did not mean anything.

Release 11.x will flag the statement as a warning at compile time, but it will not cause errors at execution time.

For a complete list of reserved words, please see this link: