How do I modify password settings for SRM users for use with Web Reporter?
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How do I modify password settings for SRM users for use with Web Reporter?


Article ID: 54090


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BrightStor StoreAge Storage Manager STORAGE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SUITE Storage Resource Mgmt Vantage Storage Resource Manager


Within the Central Management Console, you can change the password settings for a specific user or for all users in the system. You must assign or update passwords explicitly for each SRM BO users (to access user-defined reports).


Release: BRMAPS20100-11.7-Storage Resource Manager-Application Server


To modify password settings for SRM users

  1. Log on to the Central Management Console.

  2. Select Users under the Organize section.

  3. Select the user whose password settings you want to change.
    The Properties tab appears.

  4. Select or clear the check box associated with the password setting you wish to change.

  5. Click Update.

    The password settings for the SRM users is modified.