The client Just installed CA Intertest for CICS v 10 and defined the VSAM help file using the sample JCL located in PDS HLQ.CAVHJCL(DEFHELP). But when the client used the online help facility for CA Intertest for CICS the information displayed was garbage. In some cases the data that was displayed was double spaced and could not be read.
In order to build the help file, the client had to copy the installation datasets to a sandbox LPAR where the install and testing would take place. During the copy process the client did not use the correct DCB for the HELP data file that is used to build the help file.
The Help file is built by using JCL located in CAVHJCL(DEFHELP). This JCL contains the DEFINE cluster followed by a repro of a PDS member (IN25PHLF) into the VSAM help file just allocated. This member is located in CAVHHLF(IN25PHLF) and has a DCB of
. Data class . . . . . : DEFAULT
. Organization . . . : PO Current Utilization .
. Record format . . . : VB Used tracks . . . . : 332
. Record length . . . : 8024 Used extents . . . : 5
. Block size . . . . : 32760
Due to the client’s configuration they had to copy the dataset member CAVHHLF(IN25PHLF) to the test sandbox LPAR. When the client copied the VB CAVHHLF(IN25PHLF) help file to the sandbox they used the wrong DCB of FB 80 3120. So the define of the help file and the repro worked fine. The number records repro'd was correct. But the records were truncated from 8024 to 80 characters. So the data displayed was unpredictable and blank in most cases. Once the client copied the file over with the correct DCB the help file worked as expected with no problems.