NSM 11.2 UNIX System Agent install fails or hangs within ccs/dia/dna/scripts/install.sh
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NSM 11.2 UNIX System Agent install fails or hangs within ccs/dia/dna/scripts/install.sh


Article ID: 54077


Updated On:


CA Unicenter NSM



In this example, the NSM 11.2 System Agent installation failed in the script ccs/dia/dna/scripts/install.sh with the error message: "No Java Runtime Environment (JRE) was found on this system. An error occured while installing Unicenter DNA."


The workaround to this issue is to manually install DNA and its dependent packages:

  1. Log on as root userid to the UNIX system

  2. Verify lsm is already installed


  3. If lsm is not installed, cd into the root directory of the NSM 11.2 master image and execute the comand:


    This command returns to the command prompt without a message, but puts the lsm binary in place and adds it to the PATH.

  4. #lsm -v

    This shows the version of lsm installed.

  5. cd into the ..<UNIX>/pkgs/PIF directory of the NSM 11.2 master image and execute:

    lsm -i ca-cs-utils-11.2.08221.0.AIX.@pif
    lsm -i ca-cs-utils-cmp.AIX.@pif
    lsm -i ca-cs-jre-
    lsm -i ca-cs-dia-dann-11.2.08233.119.AIX.@pif

  6. Verify the Java version by executing the command:

    # java -version

  7. After DIA is successfully installed, rerun the NSM setup.

  8. Verify that the system agent does not fail or hang.


Release: TNGEXO05500-11.2-Management-for Microsoft Exchange