How to limit the primary space allocation for dataset SYSREC in Database Analyzer generated REORG utility
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How to limit the primary space allocation for dataset SYSREC in Database Analyzer generated REORG utility


Article ID: 54063


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Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


The primary space allocation of the SYSREC dataset in a REORG job exceeds our hardware limitation of 65535 tracks.
Is there a way to limit the Database Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PDA) allocation calculated by %ROSYSREC.


To limit the primary space allocation using %ROSYSREC you can add the following #IF logic to a copy of the MJUTLRO model in your highlevel.MODEL library.

 //             UNIT=%UNIT,DISP=(,KEEP),
 //  SPACE=(CYL,(nnnn,%CALC(%ROSYSREC/10))) 
 //  SPACE=(CYL,(%ROSYSREC,20))                          

where nnnn is the maximum for your site. This example will give you the maximum primary allocation.

Please note that the SPACE definitions used are just examples and that you can use your own calculations based on site requirements and standards.
It is recommend that you take a copy of the MJUTLRO model and customize that, rather than change the supplied model.