DB2 tables store Chinese character data as Unicode ccsid. Is this supported by Easytrieve?
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DB2 tables store Chinese character data as Unicode ccsid. Is this supported by Easytrieve?


Article ID: 54041


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Easytrieve Report Generator


The Easytreive product does not support UNICODE data type at present.



The DB2 NEWFUN(YES) means that the SQL statements in the DBRM use Unicode UTF-8.

CCSID conversion of source programs: If the SQL statements of your source program are not in Unicode UTF-8, the DB2 Version 8 precompiler converts then to UTF-8 for parsing. The precompiler uses the source CCSID value to convert from that CCSID to CCSID 1208 (UTF-8). If you want to prepare a source program that is written in a CCSID that cannot be directly converted to or from CCSID 1208, you must create an indirected conversion. (For information about indirect conversions, see z/OS Support for Unicode).

Since Easytrieve does not support Unicode, Easytrieve cannot handle the data.

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